Deep Dives

Employee Perception Deep Dives use anonymous, one-on-one employee interviews to explore and address the complexities of underperforming departments.  The analysis of this feedback initiates a 90-day accountability plan that emphasizes People, Place and Process improvement as a means of identifying and removing barriers to employee satisfaction. 

As a result, our Deep Dives have shown dramatic, and, in many cases, immediate changes in consumer satisfaction. In contrast to other employee feedback instruments, one of the benefits of our Deep Dives is that employees do not perceive these interviews as another “withdrawal” program – asking for input but not acting on it. 

Our Deep Dives are predicated on an organization’s commitment to respond quickly to the issues uncovered and allow findings to target solutions.  The reasons for a department to underperform vary dramatically and require specific tools to turn that department around.  Our program is solutions-based in that we do not expect you to come up with all the answers.  We will be there to provide whatever tools are necessary to address the issues raised by the Deep Dives.  Change the course for your underperforming departments by contacting Perception Strategies today.